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Québec Billard

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Aramith Tournament BLACK Billiard Pool Cue Ball 2 1/4" 6 Black Dots in a blister

Aramith Tournament BLACK Billiard Pool Cue Ball 2 1/4" 6 Black Dots in a blister

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Availability: In stock.

Prix special 79,99 $
Prix régulier 199,99 $ et Sauvez 120,00 $ (60.0%)


Aramith Tournament BLACK Billiard Pool Cue Ball 6 Black Dots in a blister

Product features:

1. The Aramith Tournament BLACK cue ball features the famous 6 dots created by Aramith in the 80's and used

in all major tournaments in various cue sports worldwide

2. Produced with the Super Aramith PRO resin using the Duramith technology, this cue ball reaches the highest

standards possible

3. The six black dots will also allow you to visualise the intentional and unintentional spin you apply

4. The ball is manufactured and tested to the strictest calibration, sphericity, weight and diameter

specifications in the world, while its through-hardened vitrified surface guarantees exceptional longevity

5Aramith, the signature of true Belgian Quality.

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